
The strength you didn’t know you had

The strength you didn’t know you had

I like to talk about strengths. And because I spend a lot of my time talking with people, I am convinced that each of us has at least one strength we are not aware of at all. Or perhaps we are aware of something of a strength, but do not fully appreciate that strength the […]

Coaching: a retro approach in a hyper-connected world

Coaching: a retro approach in a hyper-connected world

One of the comments I hear most often from coaching clients, is how welcome the sessions are in a working environment where the most time you might get with someone to explore an idea is five minutes. Of all the things they value the most about coaching, the thinking space a session provides – the opportunity […]

Six scenarios when coaching is not for you

Six scenarios when coaching is not for you

You’ve heard about coaching, and how it is the latest thing for personal and professional development. Perhaps someone is raving about it. Perhaps you’ve seen the adverts promising success and wealth in shouty tones. Appealing, so you decide to have a go. Simple, right?