
Humility in leadership, blah blah…

Humility in leadership, blah blah…

If I was given a penny for each time I read or heard that humility is key to authentic leadership, my accountant would be one happy lady indeed. Humility: [mass noun] The quality of having a modest or low view of one’s importance: ‘he needs the humility to accept that their way may be better’ […]

Humour at work

Humour at work

When I opened The Guardian this morning, I was greeted by the headline: Jeremy Clarkson joins Guardian drive for fossil fuel divestment. Of course – it’s April 1st today! The hammed-up, amusing piece brought back to mind a conversation about humour I had a few days ago. Earlier this week I had an impromptu coaching session […]

New year, new coat stand

New year, new coat stand

This time last year I was in my office assembling a coat stand. It had been hanging around in its box for weeks after the old one had collapsed under the weight of our wet winter gear. The second floor, normally home to some 80-odd people, was empty bar a few colleagues working by the glow […]

The strength you didn’t know you had

The strength you didn’t know you had

I like to talk about strengths. And because I spend a lot of my time talking with people, I am convinced that each of us has at least one strength we are not aware of at all. Or perhaps we are aware of something of a strength, but do not fully appreciate that strength the […]

Three types of conversation for your repertoire

Three types of conversation for your repertoire

Conversation is an umbrella term referring to the many ways people talk with each other: Conversation con•ver•sa•tion [kon-ver-sey–shuhn] noun  The interchange of thoughts, information etc. by spoken words; oral communication; talk. A deliberately transactional and neutral definition such as the above doesn’t quite cover the subtleties and different purposes of conversation however. Three different conversations, three purposes […]