
How emotions change memories

How emotions change memories

  Back in the 1990s I learned to drive in Amsterdam. You won’t see L-plates in traffic there because it is illegal to drive a car without a licence and therefore the only way to learn is to take lessons at a driving school. Amsterdam is an utterly excellent place to pass your driving test. Everyone knows […]

In praise of ‘mild unhappiness’

In praise of ‘mild unhappiness’

Happiness, it seems, has become synonymous with success. It won’t do to feel meh or mild unhappiness about something: we aspire to having constant positive emotional responses that boost our mental resources and motivation. Positive psychologists, Todd Kashdan and Robert Biswas-Diener penned a new book titled The Upside of Your Dark Side in which they argue the case for […]

Emotions at work

Emotions at work

Emotions colour the world as we perceive it, driving our behaviour and shaping decisions we make – we are human, after all. Advertisers and marketers know this, and tap into it to increase sales. Everybody knows it, and we knowingly buy into it: it’s part of the deal, as it were. Emotions at work in advertising […]